I'm going to seize upon some momentary inspiration and allow myself to keep it brief. A friend posted something on facebook to the effect of, appreciate where you're at in life when you're actually there. I couldn't agree more yet there are days it seems an impossible dream. Of course my boys' toddlerhoods seem precious and perfect now, but at the time I know I had many days when the clock just ticked...and ticked...and ticked. And now, staring down Ethan's soon-to-begin teenage years, I can only imagine the moments where it will take extraordinary self-restraint not to scream bloody murder at him (and days that restraint will fail me), much less experience much by way of appreciation.
So can it really be done? Can we really appreciate the time we're in, without fast-forwarding (or rewinding) a little? I guess for me, it's maybe yes and no--how's that for a committed answer? I guess what I mean is, I would love to be so optimistic or wise that each day and moment were a gift unto themselves. Many are. But I guess it would be foolish of me to try to deny that most days too have their share of barrel-through-it moments.
So for those moments/days/stages...maybe the best I can do is to breathe deeply and remember something one of my aunts said to me awhile back. As I was deep in the throes of baby/toddlerhood and could barely string a sentence together, she told me that when I was her age, I would give ANYTHING to have even a crappy baby day back. And she's right. I would.
So while being knee-deep in the minutiae of wherever you're at--diapers, PTA talk, moody and demanding teenagers--makes it not always possible to be constantly appreciative, taking the time now and again to consider your situtation from a different vantage point might make it...not only where it's at, but exactly where you want to be.